Wednesday 16 November 2011

X-chrom contact lenses

X-chrom contact lenses have been cleared for market by FDA. They are tinted prescription spectacle lenses intended as an optical aid for people with red-green color vision deficiencies. The lenses do not help wearers perceive or appreciate colors as people with normal color vision do, but merely add brightness/darkness differences to colors that are otherwise difficult or impossible to distinguish.

X-chrom contact lenses are designed to improve discrimination of specific colors that look the same to people with red green color deficiencies. However, discrimination of at least some other colors is actually impaired.

X-chrom contact lenses are not effective for people who are totally color blind. Very few people are truly color blind, and these lenses will not help them to see colors. Most people with color vision problems have partial color vision deficiencies that make it difficult to distinguish between red and green or between yellow and blue. FDA marketing clearance for X-chrom contact lenses Lenses is limited to red-green color deficiencies, and does not include yellow-blue deficiencies or total color blindness.

X-chrom contact lenses are coated with colored filters using a technology similar to that used to apply anti-reflection coatings on spectacles and colored coatings on prescription sunglasses.