Saturday 17 May 2014

Your First Progressive Lens: How To Use.

This is part of a series of articles on spectacles. The other articles can be got from the links given below. If you need to know difference between bifocals and progressives kindly read the first link given below.


For the first time user getting used to a progressive lens can take some time. This is because each part of the progressive lens has a different power and we need to look through the correct region of the lens to see objects at various distances.

The part of the lens directly in front of our eyes when we gaze forward is for far distance. The bottom part is for objects at 25 centimetres, that is for reading. The first handicap we usually face with progressives lens is when we walk down stairs and the floor looksw blurred. This happens when we look through the bottom of the lens. The bottom part of the lens focuses only upto 25 cm and hence the floor would be blurred. We need to learn consciously to look through the upper part of the lens to see the floor. For this we would need to bend our head a little forwards so that we use the top part of the lens when we walk downstairs.

For the computer user the region of the lens is the middle part. We need to look a little below the centre of the lens to view the monitor clearly.

Because a wide range of powers is built into the lens, it is normal for vision to be blurred when you look through the sides of the lens. This distortion will be much less in digital progressive lenses. This tend to be more expensive but it is money well spent as it greatly enhances vision.


  • When you get your new specs place it on your face and make sure if sits well on your face. If it slides down your nose or the temples of your head hurt get the specs adjusted.
  • Start using it for a few hours each day, ideally for reading and computer.
  • Use it for walking only once you get used to the new pair.
  • Be extra careful when you climb stairs.
  • It is ok to feel a little uncomfortable for the initial week or so till our brain adapts.
  • Remember to look through the centre of the lens. Vision through the sides can have a little distortion.


Wednesday 23 April 2014

How To Use Eye Drops

We often use eye drops as part of ophthalmology treatment and sometimes for just soothing a tired eye. Let us look at how to use eye drops properly.

What you must remember

  1. Eye medications may cause burning for a few minutes. However if the medications cause redness, or swelling of the eye lids, or severe itching inform your eye doctor immediately.
  2.  Always bring the bottles with you when you come to the hospital. Please apply all the medications as instructed by your doctor on the day of your appointment unless your doctor has specifically asked you not to. It is enough to put one drop into the eye. Make sure it goes in, if in doubt you can apply one more drop.
  3. Remember to carry eye drops with you when you travel. Use them in the same way as you did while at home. The patient must be careful in preventing contamination while traveling.

How to place eye drops in the eye 

  1. Wash hands with soap and water
  2. Shake bottle vigorously
  3. Tilt head back and look upward
  4. Gently pull the lower eye lid away from the eye, forming a pouch.
  5. Place a drop in the pouch. Be careful not to touch the eyelid with the tip of the tube.
  6. Replace the cap on the dropper and tighten
  7. Gently close the eye
  8. Press the inner corner near the nose for one minute
  9. If you are using more than one eye drop, wait atleast five minutes before applying the other eye drops.
  10. Store medication in a cool place. Avoid direct sunlight and bright light.

 How to place eye ointment in the eye 

  1. Wash hands with soap and water
  2. To improve flow of ointment, hold tube in hand several minutes to warm before use.
  3. Tilt head back and look upward
  4. Gently pull the lower eye lid away from the eye, forming a pouch.
  5. Place about this much ######  ointment into the pouch. Be careful not to touch the eyelid with the tip of the tube.
  6. Replace the cap on the tube and tighten
  7. Gently close the eye and roll eye in all directions while eye is closed. Temporary blurring may occur.
  8. Press the inner corner near the nose for one minute
  9. If you are using more than one eye drop, wait atleast five minutes before applying the other eye drops.
  10. Store medication in a cool place. Avoid direct sunlight and bright light.

Thursday 9 January 2014

10 Don'ts of Eye Care

1.     Don't wear contact lenses for extended periods of time or overnight.

2.     Don't rub eyes frequently. This can cause an eye infection.  

3.     Don’t touch your eyes with unwashed hands.

4.     Don’t splash water vigorously at the eyes, instead wash gently as splashing may irritate the outer lining of the eye ball, the conjunctiva.

5.     Don’t use  handkerchiefs to wipe eyes, use disposable tissues instead.

6.     Don't sit nearer than 15 feet from the television.

7.     Don’t keep your book nearer than two feet away from your eyes.

8.    Don’t use powdery eye shadows, use cream based eye makeup. Powdery eye shadows as can enter eyes and, cause irritation.

9.     Don’t use aerosol products like hairspray if you wear contact lenses.

10.    Don't keep your mascara for more than a year.